Another Gatow Expansion

Even though the diplomatic negotiations of the Allies to resolve the Berlin Blockade hadbeen ongoing since March 1949 and an end of the blockade was in sight, the Royal Air Forcestarted building a third runway on 21 April, based on their experience with the former SovietAllies and Stalin’s diplomacy. The Allies did not want to reduce any pressure during thenegotiations and wanted to further boost momentum generated by the Easter Parade.It was not clear whether negotiations about settling the Berlin Blockade would be successful,as the Western side had not fulfilled any of Stalin’s demands. The currency reform had notbeen reversed, the Bizone was increasingly transforming into a Trizone, and the logistic successes, such as 1,300 flights on a single day, strengthened morale. The Royal Air Force didnot want another surprise and it seemed possible there would be another blockade at anytime. Construction works of this third runway only ceased after the end of the blockade.