Group Captain Brian Yarde

Group Captain Brian Yarde was station commander at RAF Gatow from July 1947 to November 1949. During this time, the station changed dramatically. From a relatively modest level of air traffic, Gatow became – during the Berlin Airlift – one of the busiest airfields in the world. At its peak, an estimated 350 aircraft were taking off and landing daily; that’s not as busy as present-day Heathrow, but still very busy by the standards of 1948 and 1949.

To support this air traffic, a new second runway was constructed, along with new concrete areas for the unloading of aircraft. More people were of course also required to support the additional flights, with a corresponding need for facilities to accommodate, support, co-ordinate and lead them. For his work in leading Gatow through this very busy and significant time in its history, Yarde was made a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE).