One record after another

On 30 June, the British Royal Air Force and British civilian charter firms managed to fly a total of 2,263 (short) tons to Berlin within 24 hours. That is approximately half of the minimum tonnage defined for the city at the beginning of the airlift.

Two days later, on 2 July, the combined Anglo-American airlift fleet celebrated the unloading of the two millionth (short) ton flown to Berlin. These two records clearly signify that after the end of the blockade on 12 May, the number of flights to Berlin remained consistently high. The crew that flew the US aircraft carrying the two millionth tonne was greeted by a joint Anglo-American delegation.

At 10.30 hrs, the crew – C. Korbel, E.R Case and WK. McMillan – is greeted by a delegation after landing.